Karma Tribe Yoga runs 100% on your donations!
We are a 501c3 charitable organization, which means your donations are tax deductible. Consider helping us with our mission of spreading yoga to all of KC, regardless of income level!
You can also choose to donate out of gratitude for classes. The “Donate” button allows you to both pay-per-class and/or monthly auto-donate.
If you’re making a one-time donation, we recommend donating $5-$15/class. The average drop-in rate for yoga in Kansas City is $15. Please consider if you’ve had an above-average experience!
You can also choose a to become a member with an auto monthly donation of $50 or more! In KC, it costs on average $125/month for 30 days of unlimited yoga. We recommend auto-donating between $50-125 (for regularly scheduled classes only) depending on your unique financial position. Learn more about KTY Membership Perks!